They recognize that they can build their personal and collective identity as global citizens, as well as living with well-being and good treatment with freedoms and responsibilities with respect to themselves, as well as in their community. They recognize the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world in which they live, developing a way of thinking where they perceive themselves as part of the nature, aware of the moment they live in their life cycle and the importance of understanding that the environment and their life are related to the care of the food their physical and mental health with planetary health from a sustainable vision, demonstrating skills to positively influence their social and personal environment.

They are able to learn at their own pace by collaborating, communicating assertively and respecting the rhythm of other people, taking advantage of digital AND technological resources using them as support for the development of skills related to their life, building their own knowledge integrating mind and heart, achieving a student with empathy, tolerance, respect for the other, for the environment and nature; demonstrating collaboration skills within a team and leadership skills creating workable plans to implement a project using relevant and specific vocabulary at their mother tongue and in a second language